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Recruit the harmonia way
- Optimise your advert for 30 days - Feature your logo, cover image and videos - Choose from three application methods - Add screening questions with Quick Apply - Manage posts and applications in Recruiter Dashboard - Boost, Refresh and Highlight Upgrades available - Pay securely online
Our Products and Services
No hidden extras. All prices are inclusive of VAT.

Job Posting
Advertise a job opening
200.00 £

Placement Posting
Advertise a placement or internship
50.00 £

Volunteer Posting
Find volunteers for free!
0.00 £

Prepaid Credits
Discounted pre-paid credits and automated posting services available!

New Customer?
Use discount code HARMONIA50 at checkout for 50% off your first advert!

Training and Events
Maximise your visibility and attract more learners on our careers platform!

Do you have a question?
Find out how to navigate our platform with our frequently asked questions.